Coming SOON to our Family Reunion:


A Family Feud style game to test our knowledge about our ancestors.

Each month we will highlight one of the Bowman Clan to help you prepare for the competition in November.

Good Luck to All!

Friday, November 18, 2016

Izetta Cluff Bowman

  •          Garcia, Chihuahua, Mexico (Mormon colony)

  •          Herded cows with her brother in Colonial Garcia
  •          Helped her mother with cooking and sewing for her family and her Aunt Sarah’s family (her father’s first wife)
  •          Her father died when she was 14 years old from acute appendicitis and she took care of her younger siblings so that her mom could work
  •         Resourceful, persistent and loving caregiver, especially to Gordon after the hunting accident
  •         She was very charitable and said “Charity covers a multitude of sins” 
    •       "I've never met anyone who did more compassionate service than she did." - Joe Ann
  •      Was a loving mother and woman of great faith.

Accidents / Hardships
  •         She cared for her younger siblings after her father passed away from acute appendicitis and her mother worked to support the family

Hobbies / Interests
  •         She loved dancing
    •        Garth remembers her and Richard dancing together at Ward dances
    •          In their early years, “Dick & Zet” as they were known, went to all the dances and brought home many blue ribbons for being the best dancers
  •          Liked camping and the outdoors, but NOT an outdoor privy
  •          Sewing, quilting, crocheting
  •           She was always crocheting handkerchiefs
  •          She was an excellent cook
  •         Well know for her Sunday Roasts
  •         I remember the taste and the smell of her roasts, beans, pork chops, hams, chili, home-made bread and lemon meringue pies"-Myra
  •          She had a great ability to make holidays special

Dating / Spouse
  •         Izetta met Richard in Thatcher, Arizona.  After turning down his initial proposal she and Dick went with her cousin while they went to get married.  After returning it was discovered that Dick and Izetta also got married.

  •         She grew up in Colonial Garcia, Mexico in a polygamist family
    •          They lived on a farm with two houses, one for Aunt Sarah his first wife and the other for Izetta’s mother Susan
    •         Izetta and her brother played up in the pines behind their house, they made little dishes out of clay, they found on their property and would have tea parties in their play areas in the pines
  •          They loved to play in the hills near their home and built a little hideout

  •          Her mother, Susan taught Izetta to sew and cook
  •          She was taught the gospel by her parents and was very strong in her convictions

Interesting Fact
  •          She was a fast driver
  •         One Christmas in Honeyville after the children had opened their gifts, she asked them all to select 1 gift to give another family in grave need. 
    •       I’ll always remember that frosty, crispy morning, all of us trailing behind that Christmas box being pulled on a little sled and delivered to the needy family.” - Bev

  •          She was the oldest of 6 children

Event / Memories
  •          “She told of a time when she and Lavon took a hammer from Grandpa's tool box and went up to their favorite place in the pines to nail something together and then coming home to supper without the hammer. After being asked what they had done with the hammer when they had gotten home, they realized that they had left it up in their little retreat. Well, you just didn't leave valuable tools lying around in those days, so they had to go back in the dark and try to find the tool. They took a lighted lantern with them, but it was such a black night that even with the light it was hard to see very clearly and it was so scary. She said that every little noise scared them. They looked and looked and having no success, they decided to kneel down and pray to Heavenly Father for help in finding it. They knelt down by a big log and said ta prayer, then got up and walked around the log and saw the hammer lying underneath it on the opposite side to where they had been playing. Mama said she learned a great lesson that night, actually two lessons because she then knew that God did answer prayers and secondly, that you just didn't leave precious tools  here they could get lost.” – Joe Ann

  •          Pancho Villa and the Mexican Revolutionaries would come through the towns and be very demanding about food and other supplies that the people would have to give them. Mom said that many a time they had to hand over all their bread and prepared dinner foods if they came through at dinner time. Sometimes the townspeople would hide their little children in the large sawdust piles to keep them away from the soldiers. According to Mom, Pancho Villa wasn't the villain that he was portrayed to be. She said that he did warn the people to leave their villages before the soldiers did great damage and maybe harm to them. Mother said, that one day Pancho Villa came riding by her place and she was leaning on the top of a fence and actually talked to him. When the Americans were finally forced to leave their holdings and go back across the border, Mama and her family were already visiting relatives in Arizona so they weren't part of the exodus or expulsion from Mexico.- Joe Ann

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Richard C Bowman

  • Thatcher, Arizona
  • Worked at the sawmill in Chlarson’s Cayon (Cherry Tree)
  • Farmhand ($30 per month)
  • Chipper at a factory in California
  • Oregon Shipyards building liberty ships for the war effort
Accidents / Hardships
  • A trick backfired on him while he was “cowboyin” around in Arizona before he was married
  • A couple times a month he and his buddies would ride into town to spend some of their money at the saloons.  One time when they were riding into town they noticed a speed sign with FIVE MILES PER HOUR printed on it which was intended for the automobiles that were just coming into popularity.  After spending their money they hopped on their horses and proceeded to ride out of town.  Remembering the sign, Dad got out his rope, made a loop and as he kicked the horse into action he lassoed the sign,  pulling in out of the ground, dragging it behind him and leaving it somewhere in the sage brush. The others were whooping in up.  The next time they returned to town the sign was back up.  Dad decided  to try that trick again.  His buddies whooped and hollered encouraging him on.  He tied his rope, took off and lassoed the sign once again.  This time the sign didn’t budge and off the horse he flew, saddle and all.  The townspeople had out-witted him and had the sign planted in the ground. He really got the “bejeebers” knocked out of him, physically, but what hurt him the most was the fact that his “trick” had backfired on him. – Joe Ann
  • 1949 he fell off a haystack and hurt his back
  •  Suffered a heart attack at the end of a solo visit to Arizon to see Velda and Mike, and missed his flight home to Oregon, upon returning home no one was there to meet him so he had to hail a cab.
Hobbies / Interests
  • Camping, the outdoors, tilling the soil and watching the crops grow, gardening
  • Dancing w/ Izetta (nicknamed: Dick & Zet)
  • Loved animal, especially horses
Dating / Spouse
  • Richard fell pretty hard for Izetta and had saved up some money for the purpose of proposing to her. When she turned him down he went on a spending spree and blew his hard earned money. They eventually eloped.
  • Izetta’s mother, wasn’t too fond of Dick at first.  But, she quickly learned to love him, just like everyone around him did.
  • He grew up working on farms and ranches, herding cattle and riding horses
  • He was fun to be with and always had a funny story to pass on – Annie
  • He, unlike his other brothers was always kind to his younger sisters and never teased them
  • School of hard knocks
  • Not much is known about his formal schooling
  • Much of what he learned was from his experience on the farm
  • He learned integrity and honesty from  his father Abraham,  who was referred to as “Honest Abe”
  • He inherited strong family values from his parents
Interesting Fact
  • He was large in stature at 6’3”
  • While living in Solomonville (a town my Thatcher) after he and Izetta were married, he was walking down the sidewalk and thinking he saw Izetta in front of him, ran to catch up with her and patted her behind.  The woman turned out to be a total stranger and he was mortified.
  • Was called up to serve in World War I but the war ended before his report date
  •  He was the 3rd child in a family of 8 children
  • There were 5 boys followed by 3 girls
Event / Memories
  • He would say on the farm “no one eats until the animals are fed” -Garth,
  •  "My most memorable thoughts of Dad, were seeing him head out to the fields with a shovel over his shoulder." - Joe Ann
  •  "Richard Bowman was not a complicated man and those who knew him were immediately bonded to him in friendship.  His integrity was unquestionable, yet he did not demand this quality in others.  Dad was always the strong, silent type who always had an uncomplicated method of dealing with problems.  -Gordon
  • I learned over the years Dad had an ulterior motive with me and my pets.  He was not only teaching me to love and care for those things that were dependent on me, he was also teaching responsibility.  Dad was a real stickler for being responsible."-Myra
  • A trick backfired on him while he was “cowboyin” around in Arizona before he was married
    • A couple times a month he and his buddies would ride into town to spend some of their money at the saloons.  One time when they were riding into town they noticed a speed sign with FIVE MILES PER HOUR printed on it which was intended for the automobiles that were just coming into popularity.  After spending their money they hopped on their horses and proceeded to ride out of town.  Remembering the sign, Dad got out his rope, made a loop and as he kicked the horse into action he lassoed the sign,  pulling in out of the ground, dragging it behind him and leaving it somewhere in the sage brush. The others were whooping in up.  The next time they returned to town the sign was back up.  Dad decided  to try that trick again.  His buddies whooped and hollered encouraging him on.  He tied his rope, took off and lassoed the sign once again.  This time the sign didn’t budge and off the horse he flew, saddle and all.  The townspeople had out-witted him and had the sign planted in the ground. He really got the “bejeebers” knocked out of him, physically, but what hurt him the most was the fact that his “trick” had backfired on him. – Joe Ann
  • 1949 he fell off a haystack and hurt his back
  • Suffered a heart attack at the end of a solo visit to Arizona to see Velda and Mike, and missed his flight home to Oregon, upon returning home no one was there to meet him so he had to hail a cab.
Hobbies / Interests
  •   Camping, the outdoors, tilling the soil and watching the crops grow, gardening
  •  Dancing w/ Izetta (nicknamed: Dick & Zet)
  •  Loved animal, especially horses
Dating / Spouse
  • ·         Richard fell pretty hard for Izetta and had saved up some money for the purpose of proposing to her. When she turned him down he went on a spending spree and blew his hard earned money. They eventually eloped.
  • o    Izetta’s mother, wasn’t too fond of Dick at first.  But, she quickly learned to love him, just like everyone around him did.
  •   He grew up working on farms and ranches, herding cattle and riding horses
  • He was fun to be with and always had a funny story to pass on – Annie
  •  He, unlike his other brothers was always kind to his younger sisters and never teased them
  • School of hard knocks
  •  Not much is known about his formal schooling
  • Much of what he learned was from his experience on the farm
  •  He learned integrity and honesty from  his father Abraham,  who was referred to as “Honest Abe”
  • He inherited strong family values from his parents
Interesting Fact
  •   He was large in stature at 6’3”
  •  While living in Solomonville (a town my Thatcher) after he and Izetta were married, he was walking down the sidewalk and thinking he saw Izetta in front of him, ran to catch up with her and patted her behind.  The woman turned out to be a total stranger and he was mortified.
  •   Was called up to serve in World War I but the war ended before his report date
  • He was the 3rd child in a family of 8 children
    • There were 5 boys followed by 3 girls
Event / Memories
  • He would say on the farm “no one eats until the animals are fed” -Garth,
  • "My most memorable thoughts of Dad, were seeing him head out to the fields with a shovel over his shoulder." - Joe Ann
  • "Richard Bowman was not a complicated man and those who knew him were immediately bonded to him in friendship.  His integrity was unquestionable, yet he did not demand this quality in others.  Dad was always the strong, silent type who always had an uncomplicated method of dealing with problems.  -Gordon
  •  I learned over the years Dad had an ulterior motive with me and my pets.  He was not only teaching me to love and care for those things that were dependent on me, he was also teaching responsibility.  Dad was a real stickler for being responsible."-Myra

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Myra Jean Bowman

Brigham City, Utah
·         She raised baby chicks and turkeys to sell for Thanksgiving
·         She raised a lamb.
Accidents / Hardships
·         Moved with Rob, Jason and their cat Rick to Payson, UT after a divorce. 
o    "I must say that none of the decisions, plane tickets, getting settled in our home, and all the hundred and one things it takes to move, would have been possible if not for the outpouring of love and help from my family."
Hobbies / Interests
·         Shared her dad’s love for animals, especially horses
·         Loved living on a farm
·         Having a tight bond with her father and watching her Dad play with her boys
·         Loved to watch her boys play sports

Dating / Spouse
·         Married her High School Sweetheart,  Robert Raymond Pokorny.
o    "We were quite steady with one another with few interruptions since the sixth grade.”
o    Bob was Catholic, but converted to the LDS faith and on June 5, 1958 they were married in the little LDS chapel in Madras
Favorite Childhood Things
·         Her first pet Collie, a cat named Shing, her lamb  named Lambkins, and her palomino named Sargeant.
·         Loved her family having a tight bond with her father, watching her Dad play with her boys,
·         Picnicking, camping trips, BBQs ocean trips and holiday dinners

·         Kindergarten – Portland, Oregon
·         1st grade through High School in Madraas

Interesting Fact
·         When her mother went into labor with her, her Dad was nowhere to be found, so it became the responsibility of my older brother Garth to get them to the hospital in time, he was very nervous (according to their mother) and had to stop on the way to fix a flat tire.
·         “As a toddler threw 100 dollars into the coal stove having seen others throw paper in.”
o    According to other siblings a letter arrived from their Father from Oregon with ‘a numerous amount of greenbacks’ while the family gathered around to listen to the letter little Myra proceeded to do what she had seen her mother do a hundred times and wadded up the money, thinking it was only paper and threw it into the wood cook stove where it immediately went up in smoke.
·         6 children –
o    Kelie Rae (lived only 12 hours), Kevin John, Todd Raymond, Soni Jean (lived only a few minutes), Robert Roy, Jason Drue
Event / Memories
·         Made an agreement with her Dad to help raise a lamb and when it was old enough, they would sell it and buy a new coat.  Myra loved that little lamb and it would follow her around.  She hoped as Fall drew near that her Father would forget their deal, but one day she came home and her Mother handed her a new coat.  She ran outside to discover Lambkins was gone
o    "Dad once again taught me a hard lesson about responsibility and keeping one's word"
o     "I don't have to tell you how much I hated that coat!"

·         Jarvis took her youngest boys fishing at Payson Lake the whole day, "an experience that has never been forgotten by my boys."

Monday, November 14, 2016

Gordon Sims Bowman

  • Honeyville, Utah

  • Worked several odd jobs
    • Retail Department Store Management
    • Became VP of major corporations,
  • Opened a store, The Candle House, in Sisters, Oregon with wife, Verna.

Accidents / Hardships
  • Climbed a tree in Portland to watch for his Dad to come home and fell and shattered his elbow in a compound fracture
  • Shot in the back in a hunting accident
    • “I was instantly paralyzed on my left side from the hip down and spent the next couple years fighting for a return to normalcy.  This accident did cause me to spend the rest of my life with a gimpy leg.’
    • “Thanks to my older brother, Garth, who literally carried me down off the mountain and got me to a hospital in Redmond, I was able to recover well enough to lead a normal life, if there is such a thing as a normal life.”
    • The bullet entered his spinal column on his lower back. Doctors in Redmond saved his life repairing damage to his intestines, he was later taken to Primary Children's Hospital to combat the paralysis and stayed there for 2 yrs.   

Hobbies / Interests
  • Golf, Building model boats, Avid Fisherman, Hunting, Flying Garth’s planes

Dating / Spouse
  • In October of 1962 Portland experienced one of the worst windstorms in history, severe damage was inflicted to all parts of the city.  He helped a woman who was trapped in her car in front of the house he was living in and took her home.  He and Sandra Lee Sousley were later married  July 6, 1963
  • Sandy was diagnosed with cancer in 1988 and lost her battle with it in 1990.
  • While managing at Frederick & Nelson he met Verna Maxwell
  • She recalls: "I was going through a divorce during that time and he was losing his first wife to cancer.  The company closed the store and you know the rest. He touched my heart."
  • They became friends and later married January 18, 1992

Favorite Childhood Things
  • He had fond memories of  his Grade school and High School years in Culver before the hunting accident
  • His mother, who remained by his side throughout the 2 years at Primary Children’s Medical Center
    • “I could never in this lifetime express enough gratitude for my mother and father and the sacrifice’s they made for me.”

  • Attended Oregon State University and Brigham Young University
  • Trained in Retail management

Interesting Fact
  • He attended Kindergarten in  Elliot Grade School, which is located in what is now the heart of the Ghetto
  • Relinquished his bachelor title at 27 years of age

  • 2 children: Trisha Lynn, Garth Aaron
  • 2 step-children (Verna’s kids): Susan, Bill

Event / Memories
  • "I especially remember World War II at that young age, because almost all of the family was involved in the war effort.  I was a proud kid because I had two brothers, Jarvis and Garth, in the armed forces and my dad and three sisters (Velda, Yeteve and Beverly) working at the shipyards, war equipment factories and U.S.O." 

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Joe Ann Bowman

Joe Ann Bowman
·         Harper, Utah
·         Lerners Clothing Store Employee
·         1st National Bank Employee (Central Files Department)
Accidents / Hardships
·         “One early, dark and foggy morning I was crossing a five-way intersection to get to my bus stop to go to work when I was struck by a car.” 
o   It gouged her leg and gave her a concussion.
Hobbies / Interests
·         Reading,  Entertaining, Pianist, Home decorating, Sewing, Swimming
Dating / Spouse
·         While working and living in Portland she received a letter from her mother. “Mom mentioned that there was a handsome young missionary in their area that she was having to dinner often with his partner. She wrote if she were a young girl she could surely fall for him.”
·         The very evening she came home to the to visit, the  two elders happened to stop by.  “Two big football player types walked toward me and when I looked into the bright, blue eyes of the Elder in front I knew this was the ‘one’.  His name was Elder Roy H. Miller of Salem, UT and he looked pretty darn good to me.”
·         After meeting him she went back to Portland, handed in her resignation and moved back home to the farm.
Favorite Childhood Things
·         “Munching on popcorn or chewing a juicy apple and reading a good book,” Swimming, Ice Skating
·         She was a self-proclaimed tomboy but was extensively involved in school activities:
o   Cheerleader, Volleyball, Piano Accompanist to the School Choruses, Band (Snare Drum)
Interesting Fact
·        Talked Gordon, age 4, into running away with her (age 7), packed their wagon full of supplies, they camped out on a hill above the town but got spooked by the night sounds and ran home. (Honeyville)  
·        Lived in a refinished mortuary, “My kitchen was where they did the embalming when it had been the mortuary. (Ha,Ha!)”
·         4 children:
o   Vickie Lynn, Rodney B, Chris B, Jennifer Susan
Event / Memories

·         Lots of times I remember wearing folded up newspaper in the bottom of my shoe when there was a hole in the sole.  We girls also had to wear underpants made from flour sacks most of the time. (Honeyville, during the Depression)   

Sunday, November 6, 2016

Beverly Bowman

  • Maywood, CA
  • ·         While the other siblings were in school, she took butter her mom had churned to the neighbors to sell ($.25 per pound).
  • ·         Managed a little dress and gift shop

Accidents / Hardships
  • Teve and Bev (age 4) were vigorously sliding around the rim of the bathtub while taking a bath.  Bev fell out backward and landed in a large earthen glass bowl which was used as the bathroom sink.  The bowl broke into many pieces and made a large cut on her back. Izetta described it like a "Watermelon cut open" 
  • Fell off a small day couch and broke her collar bone
  • While helping her dad prepare a meal in the little sheep camp trailer she whacked open her finger with his butcher knife.
  • One morning she ran to the kitchen to sit on the old black kitchen range oven door to get warm as they usually did.  She pulled up her skirt so she wouldn't wrinkle it and sat down on the red-hot stove that must have been stoked earlier that usual. 
  • The kids went up into the mountains for an all day picnic, they ran up and down little canyons.  She ran down a hill and couldn't stop and hit her head on the sharp trunk of the tree.  
Hobbies / Interests
  • ·         writing, poetry
  • ·         fashionable, classy

Dating / Spouse
  • ·         While working 10 miles from home she commuted back and forth on the Trailways Bus.  One day a tall, handsome bus driver showed up on the schedule I took to work.  It only took two or three trips for me to decide that I needed to get better acquainted with him" . She married Jim Spencer  in February of 1949 and left for Boise to begin their life together.

Favorite Childhood Things
  • Exploring, hiking, picnicking, winter sports in the foothills of the Wasatch Mountains.
  • ·         Attended Honeyville School House, Jefferson High School (Portland, Oregon), intention of attending college at BYU, she had even sent a deposit to stay at Knight Hall in Provo, UT  but met a tall bus driver on her commute to work and plans changed.

Interesting Fact
  • ·        First to be born in a hospital.
  • ·        Her name was chosen from the Beverly Hills Hotel sign which was seen from their home.
  • ·        One day her Dad brought her an orphaned lamb to take care of.
  • ·        Made over on Joe Ann and turned her from a tomboy into a quite a beautiful young lady! J

  • ·         3 children –

o   Deborah
o   Connie
o   Stephen

Event / Memories
  • ·         She remembers helping her mother clean and shine the glass shades of the coal-oil lamps in their Honeyville house by the pond.
  • ·         One very special time I shared with my father was while he was out herding sheep.  She took her turn camping overnight with her dad in his little sheep camp trailer.  The night was cut short when she cut her finger while helping to prepare dinner.  She felt so bad that her dad had to take her home.